Old-School Marketing Strategies That Still Deliver Results—And How We Use Them at Honorable Marketing

It’s easy to get caught up in chasing the latest hot trend—whether it’s AI, automation, or the newest social platform. And don’t get me wrong, we use a lot of those advanced tools here at Honorable Marketing to help our clients, from lawyers to holistic medical practitioners, achieve their goals. But here’s the thing: just because something is new doesn’t mean the old ways are no longer effective.

Neil Patel recently laid out a list of five "old-school" marketing strategies that are still delivering great results today, and I couldn’t agree more. At Honorable Marketing, we believe in balancing new techniques with tried-and-true strategies that have stood the test of time. So, let’s dive in.

1. Live Events—Building Trust Through Personal Connection

Neil’s right when he says, “People do business with people they know, like, and trust.” Live events, whether they’re webinars, live streams, or even in-person presentations, allow you to build a deeper, more personal connection with your audience. For lawyers or holistic medical practitioners, this can be a game-changer. People want to see the human behind the service—they want to know you care.

Now, at Honorable, we don’t currently offer live event services directly, but we can coach you on how to make the most of them. Whether you're planning to host a webinar on family law or a live stream about functional medicine, we can help you structure it in a way that builds trust with your audience. Live events can seem daunting, but once you’ve built that personal connection, the results are worth it.

2. Strategic Partnerships—It’s Not Just “I Scratch Your Back”

One of the oldest business strategies out there is strategic partnerships. This is where you team up with another business that complements yours, creating a mutual benefit for both parties. For example, if you’re a naturopathic doctor, partnering with a local chiropractor can send clients your way, and you can return the favor. Or, if you’re a family law attorney, teaming up with a financial advisor who deals with divorce settlements can generate valuable referrals.

At Honorable Marketing, we help facilitate these partnerships. We know the right connections in your field, and we’ll point you in the right direction, whether it’s finding a partner in the legal or healthcare space. We’ve seen first-hand how powerful these relationships can be for driving consistent leads and growth.

3. Updating Old Content—The Secret Sauce to SEO Success

Here’s a truth that many marketers overlook: your old content is often one of your most valuable assets. At Honorable, we make it a priority to regularly update and refresh your existing content to keep it relevant and high-performing. Whether it’s blog posts, service pages, or even the website itself, freshening up content can significantly improve your SEO and drive more traffic to your site.

For instance, if you wrote a blog about child custody laws in South Carolina two years ago, it’s probably outdated. Updating that blog to reflect current laws, adding new insights, or tweaking the meta descriptions could give it a whole new lease on life. In our experience, clients who invest in content refreshes regularly see improved traffic and engagement.

4. Email Marketing—40+ Years Strong and Still Going

Email marketing might seem old school, but it’s still one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience. Whether you’re sending out a newsletter, a follow-up email after a consultation, or a seasonal reminder, email marketing delivers an impressive ROI.

We use email marketing strategies for our clients in law and healthcare all the time. But here’s the thing—today’s emails need to be more interactive. By adding elements like appointment schedulers, clickable options to download guides, or even direct in-email purchasing for healthcare supplements, you can boost engagement.

At Honorable Marketing, we focus on creating email campaigns that not only provide value but also reflect your brand’s voice and integrity. People don’t want to feel like they’re being sold to—they want to feel like they’re building a relationship. That’s what we do best.

5. Omnichannel Strategies—Be Everywhere Your Audience Is

Today’s consumers are on multiple platforms—social media, email, Google, and sometimes even traditional media. It’s important to show up where they are, and that’s where omnichannel marketing comes in. Omnichannel marketing ensures you have a presence across all platforms, but with a tailored message that fits each channel.

At Honorable, we use an omnichannel approach for most of our clients. We manage social media, SEO, PPC, and email marketing, making sure your message stays consistent but adapts to the platform. If you’re a lawyer in Greenville, your Google Ads might focus on “family law consultations,” while your LinkedIn posts might talk about your thought leadership in estate planning. For holistic medical practices, your TikTok could showcase wellness tips, while your website promotes detailed blogs on functional medicine.

Blending New and Old—The Honorable Way

Here’s the bottom line: just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s ineffective. While AI, automation, and other new technologies are important (and we use those too), we believe that some of the most powerful marketing strategies are the ones that have been around for a long time. At Honorable Marketing, we focus on balancing the latest trends with timeless tactics to get you the best possible results.

If you’re ready to refresh your content, build strategic partnerships, or even take the leap into live events, we’re here to help guide you through it. And if you’re unsure where to start, that’s what we’re here for—to offer honest advice, rooted in integrity, to help you grow your practice in a way that aligns with your values.

At the end of the day, marketing isn’t just about quick wins or flashy tools—it’s about building real, lasting connections with your audience. Let’s do that together.

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